Discover Ferrania Orto, P30's quirky cousin. With its distinct orthochromatic character, high silver content, and exceptional resolving power, this film delivers striking contrast, sharpness, and sensitivity. From halftone images to charismatic portraits and breathtaking landscapes, Orto is a versatile film that pushes the boundaries of your creativity. Unleash the power of Ferrania Orto and capture captivating moments with precision and depth.
We understand that modern films are very flexible, but Orto is based on a classic chemical formula that responds best when shot at the listed ISO of 50.
Our films are unique compared to most modern films. As a result, we have found that typical lab scanningcanyield blocked-up hyper-contrasty images. If this happens to you, try scanning the negatives yourself for better results.
Our films are created to be enjoyed, not analyzed. For that reason, feel free to ignore the "rules" and do whatever you like. Share your results with us and if you have questions or comments, we are always available by email.
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